Anda sedang mencari MUST HAVE BEAUTY PRODUCTS: SPRING 2014 EDITION untuk Anda download dan kami telah mempersiapkan lagu tersebut dengan baik untuk anda download secara gratis lagu MP3 2019 terbaru.
Kami menyimpan lagu ini dalam label beauty products, belly dance, burlesque, Cargo HD Powder, hooded eyes, lipstick, MAC Cosmetics, Mac Maleficent, Mac Playland, make up artist, make up tips, Nars, Princess Farhana, stage make up, Younique, dan silahkan klik label lagu tersebut untuk mendapatkan lagu lainnya.
Bukan hanya judul MUST HAVE BEAUTY PRODUCTS: SPRING 2014 EDITION saja yang kami persiapkan untuk Anda. Kami juga telah mempersiapkan lagu lainnya dalam beberapa label lagu seperti lagu koplo, lagu dangdut 2019 terbaru, lagu pop 2019, lagu rohani, lagu sholawat, lagu anak-anak,lagu rock, lagu jazz, lagu daerah dan jenis musik lainnya persembahan dari musisi terbaik.
Baiklah, Kami mengucapkan selamat men download lagu MP3 terbaru 2019.
Like all gals- and dancers specifically- I use a ton of make up on a regular basis, and in general, I just love to play with cosmetics. High-end name brands or drugstore products- it doesn’t matter to me- there’s great stuff to be had in both categories, so I try to test-drive as many as I can. Every so often, I find some that are so great, I can’t believe I ever lived without them!
This is my Must Have list for Spring 2014.
I use this power regularly and I just love it! It provides full coverage, without ever caking or creasing, and looks fabulous no matter how sweaty I get during shows or in the course of a long day, shooting a DVD. The make up never gets absorbed into my pores the way other mineral products do, either. I was introduced to it recently on a movie set. At first I thought was just a nice face powder with a silky feel, but the make up artist who was working on my face explained that this product was created expressly for film, so that it would look natural under any sort of lighting! Apparently the secret to this product is that it contains powder particle of different sizes that reflect light and erase imperfections, as well as photo-chromatic pigments that actually self-adjust to any sort of lighting. It doesn’t just work for film; it’s great for the stage, too! I’m hooked!
Available online at, Sephora, and many department stores.
Twelve brushes for around twelve bucks… are you @&#%$ kidding? No, I’m not! This is a gig bag essential, that can be found at almost any drug store. The quality is amazing for the price, and the assortment of brushes are everything you’ll need to create an abundance of on-stage or off-stage looks. Included are a different eye brushes, a smudging sponge for blending shadow and liner, concealer brush, an angled bronzer brush, domed blush brush, a spoolie, a brow brush, etc. Get two sets and keep one in your dance bag!
Available at most drug stores or on line.
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MAC Playland Collection |
If you read this blog regularly, you probably know that I’m a MAC whore…but even so, I don’t always adore everything theycome out with. The Playland collection doesn’t disappoint- it’s utterly faboo! The carnivalesque neon Brights are perfect for spring and summer, although unless you’re Lady Ga Ga, you might not be too into the Playland collection's namesake, a lemon yellow lipstick.
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MAC Maleficent Collection |
Not to worry, there are five other pretty shades of corals and pinks. I like Red Balloon. Aside from lipsticks, there are also four pigment colors, pencils, Lip Glass, and three shades of Casual Colors, which do double duty for cheeks and lips. Even if you’re not as adventurous about your maquillage as I am, you’ll still find something here you’ll enjoy using…but check this collection out soon, some products have already sold out, the way they always do with special collections.
And if you miss out on something you wanted in the Playland collection, there’s always this summer’s maleficent collection, collaboration with Disney to coincide with the release of the movie starring Angelina Jolie. With eleven products including nail polish and marbled eye shadows, this is going to be a wicked treat!
Available online, at many department stores, and of course, at MAC stores.
I use this great product for my every day make up and have even used it onstage in smaller venues. Even though BB creams have been around for a while, some gals still don't know what they are or haven’t tried them.
“BB” stands for Beauty Balm; they’re multi-purpose products that are designed to color, protect and perfect the skin. I’ve been disappointed with a few BB Creams that I’ve tried, mostly because they usually come in only two or three shades (Fair, Medium, Dark) and the “match” to various skin tones-including mine- always seems to fall short. The Garnier BB cream features a broad spectrum SPF 15 sun block, as well as pleasing coloring that isn’t too sheer, but doesn’t feel thick, slick or oily the way others do. This cream hydrates and hides imperfections, so much so that you can roll outta bed looking like a mess, and minutes after application look dewy and well rested. I swear by this!
Available at most drug stores and online
These little paint pots can be used as shadow or liner, and glide on silky-smooth, but stay put quite well, never creasing or fading, even during the course of multiple shows. They’re made to last for eighteen hours… but you’d have to be on a drug binge at Coachella to test that out, right? They do last very well though, and come in really shiny metallics as well as matte shades. Being a belly dancer and all, I’m a sucker for the names of these highly pigmented gel eye colors: Iskander, Mesopatamia and Snake Eyes, though I’ve only tried Baalbek, a deep, rich, chocolaty bronze shade.
Available online or in department stores
Ok- I saved the best for last.
According to the instructional flyer that comes along with this product, Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes are supposed to give a 300% increase in the thickness and length of your lashes. I was really skeptical…until I tried it.
My eyes are extremely hooded, and that means that my eyelashes actually recede into my lids, even if I have on five coats of mascara, and believe me, I’ve tried dozens of brands over the years. I’ll be the first to admit that I lucked out in the gene pool and have many gifts: good skin, thick hair that grows really quickly and healthy teeth…but I'm kinda lacking in the eyelash department. If I don't wear false lashes, you’d think I didn’t have any at all!
I simply adore this mascara… in fact, I love it soooo much that I’m showing you a picture of my extremely hooded eyes sans any make up at all, (something I never , ever do!) except for two coats of mascara on one eye, so you can see what this stuff does- and THIS IS ONLY WITH TWO COATS!
Spot the difference! I'm wearing Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes only (obviously!) on the left side |
The mascara comes in a darling little patterned black patent-leather case that contains two tubes: one of a gel, one of fibers. You paint the gel on with a flick of the wand, add the fibers (again, just like putting on any sort of mascara) and then seal it with the gel. It dries quickly, and you could apply as many layers as you like. As I said previously, I only did two coats and the difference was incredible.
Younique makes several other great products too, right now I’m also rockin’ their Moodstruck Minerals Lucrative Lipgloss in “Luscious”, a gorgeous blue-red that is great for any skin tone, and makes your teeth look pearly white.
I got these marvy Younique products form Jovana Johnson, who is a make up artist and a belly dancer, as well as a Younique Presenter. To purchase, go to, or check out her Facebook Page here:
Younique Products, "Luscious" Lip Glass in the foreground |
I test drive beauty products and write about them frequently, so if you represent a company and would like me to review your products, drop me an email here: princessfarhana@gmail.comor send samples to:
Princess Farhana
PO Box 29504
Los Angeles, CA 90029
My latest book, “The Belly Dance Handbook: A Companion For The Serious Dancer” is available here:
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