Sunday, September 27, 2015 Joel Simorangkir Lagu Batak Populer Tio Fanta Pinem Parpadanan - Joel Simorangkir Parpadanan Ho do na parjolo jala ho do na parpudi da ito holan ho do hasian na sai tongtong buni di pusupusuki tung na so jadi muba i holong...
Monday, September 21, 2015 belly dance belly dance costumes burlesque costuming tricks look ten pounds thinner make up tricks optical illusions Princess Farhana professional dancers showgirls stage costumes stage make up ILLUSIONS OF GRANDEUR: FABULOUS HACKS FOR COSTUMING AND STAGE MAKE UP --> The fringe I'm wearing here is the kind that gives the illusion of lengthening the torso. Photo: Maharet Hughes As pe...
Monday, September 7, 2015 belly dance chakras Egyptian dance event production Isis Wings Phoenix Phoenix of Denver Princess Farhana stage fright The Las Vegas Belly Dance Intensive Tribal Fusion DANCERS BACKSTAGE RITUALS: PHOENIX OF DENVER Phoenix performing at Art Of The Belly in Maryland, photo by Stereo Vision I have always said that the world of dan...
Thursday, September 3, 2015 belly dance burlesque dance instructor dance teacher dance workshops globetrotting jet lag Princess Farhana professional dancer road trip travel A WEEKEND IN THE LIFE OF A TRAVELING DANCER --> So many people- friends, family members, aspiring dancers and even random strangers sitting next to me on airplanes- are al...