Monday, July 27, 2015 ballet training belly dance belly dance dvds learn to belly dance Maine New England belly dance Oriental Dance Portland Princess Farhana Rosa Noreen The Las Vegas Belly Dance Intensive DANCERS BACKSTAGE RITUALS: ROSA NOREEN --> Rosa Noreen in Giza, Egypt 2015 Rosa Noreen is a shining beacon in the belly dance community. Hailing from Portland, Maine, ...
Saturday, July 25, 2015 Lagu Batak Populer MADUMA TRIO R Regge Disco - Trio Maduma LAGU DAN LIRIK BATAK TERBARU DAN POPULER Sirege-rege tumba do goarna Molo tinggal di huta Di tikki di rondang ni bulantula Di borngin na mas...
July 25, 2015 A Lagu Batak Populer MADUMA TRIO Asom Na Di Dolok - Trio Maduma LAGU DAN LIRIK BATAK TERBARU DAN POPULER Asom na didolok i, dekke na di tao i. Mardomu do muse ito, mardomu di susuban tano. Asing daina i, ...
Wednesday, July 15, 2015 belly dance burlesque cosmetics hooded eyes how to apply false eyelashes how to make your eyes look bigger make up hints make up how to make up tips for hooded eyes Princess Farhana smoky eyes STAGE MAKE UP FOR DEEP SET AND HOODED EYES --> Work with the shape of your eyes by lengthening them instead of trying to widen them. Photo: Maharet Hughes I get so many ...