Saturday, December 29, 2012 2013 belly dance bellydance ghosts Jamilla Salimpour male dancers New Year's Eve Om Kalthoum Oriental Dance paranormal Princess Farhana vintage orientale Zein Abdul Al Malik HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM BEYOND In 1999, during the days leading up to The New Millennium, like many people, I began reflecting on life: historical events I had...
Wednesday, December 26, 2012 American Cabaret Belly Dance belly dance customs dead presidents Egypt gratuities Oriental Dance Princess Farhana raks sharqi raqs sharki tipping Turkey SOME TIPS ON TIPPING Even though Christmas is over, the Holiday Season is still in full swing, and with New Year's Eve coming up, I thought now woul...
Tuesday, December 18, 2012 belly dance belly dance costumes burlesque burlesque costumes Christmas glitter Hannukah holiday glamor Kitten DeVille Princess Farhana Reindeer Santa Clause The Poubelle Twins The Schlep Sisters CUTE HOLIDAY COSTUMES! Happy Holidays, everyone! The Holiday Season can be stressful for some people, especially this year, with the awful one-two punch of S...
Friday, December 14, 2012 belly dance belly dance adventures Egypt NorthAfrica Princess Farhana raks sharqi raqs sharki safe travel for dancers sharia law travel to Egypt travel to Turkey visiting the Middle East BELLY DANCE TRAVEL AND TOURISM-STAYING SAFE & SANE: PART FOUR This is Part Four in a four-part series on belly dance travel and tourism. Even with the social unrest in the Middle East and ...
Monday, December 10, 2012 accessories Ahlan Wa Sahlan Bella costumes belly dance belly dance costumes belly dance festivals Egyptian dance Eman Zaki Istanbul Princess Farhana raks sharki travel to Turkey visit Egypt BELLY DANCE TRAVEL AND TOURISM- STAYING SAFE & SANE: PART THREEE This is Part Three in a four-part series on belly dance travel and tourism. Even with the social unrest in the Middle East and North ...
Friday, December 7, 2012 Ahlan Wa Sahlan belly dance bellydance Egypt glitter Oriental Dance Princess Farhana pyramids raks sharki raks sharqi visit Egypt BELLY DANCE TRAVEL AND TOURISM: STAYING SAFE AND SANE, PART TWO This is Part TWO in a four-part series on belly dance travel and tourism. Even with the social unrest in the Middle East and N...