Tuesday, October 30, 2012 belly dance burlesque communication skills gigs Princess Farhana professional dancers professionalism voice mail BASIC BUSINESS COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR DANCERS Ever received voice mails like these? “Hi! I need to talk to you…. Bye!” “When is the class?” " I can’t make it to the _____...
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Ahlan Wa Sahlan belly dance Confessions Of A Bellydancer Egypt Momo Kadous Oriental Dance Princess Farhana Raksanna raqs sharki DANCERS BACKSTAGE RITUALS PART 15: RAKSANNA This is part fifteen of a series I am doing on the backstage rituals of well-kown belly dancers... today's post spotlights my ...
Thursday, October 18, 2012 belly dance books Driving The Saudis Jayne Amelia Larson memoir Princess Farhana royals Saudi Royal family DRIVING THE SAUDIS: A BOOK REVIEW Driving The Saudis is an incredible memoir by actress/producer Jayne Amelia Larson. The book, which was just released on ...
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 belly dance burlesque Burning Man Halloween Halloween costumes Hoarders Princess Farhana MY OTHER CAR IS A BROOMSTICK It’s a few weeks before Halloween, which has always been my favorite holiday ever... so, in honor of the season, here is an article abou...
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 belly dance belly dance adventures burlesque Pleasant Gehman Princess Farhana Punk Hostage Press punk rock rock 'n' roll short stories VAGABOND CHICK: MY LIFE... ON THE ROAD You know how everyone makes New Year's Resolutions...and then breaks them? At the end of last year, I promised myself that I was ...