Thursday, June 27, 2013 belly dance burlesque dance make up exotic make up glitter how to make up for photos Oriental Dance photo sessions pin up Princess Farhana professional dancer SAY CHEESE: BEAUTIFUL MAKE UP FOR PHOTO SESSIONS I just received an email from a well-known dancer who is about to do a photo session with an well-known photographer. Her email ...
Friday, June 21, 2013 anime Ascend Tribal belly dance dark Fusion fetish gas mask Gothic Belly Dance GOTHLA Gothla US 2013 Princess Farhana Sashi Sashi Pierced wings Tribal Fest Tribal Fusion DANCERS BACKSTAGE RITUALS PART 17: SASHI OF ASCEND TRIBAL & GOTHLA US It’s hard to believe that one of the most well-known dark fusion belly dance performers in the entire world grew up in sunn...
Monday, June 17, 2013 beach make up belly dance bellydance burlesque cosmetics L'Oreal Princess Farhana self tanner stage make up summer beauty products TOP TEN FAVE RAVE SUMMER BEAUTY PRODUCTS: FOR THE BEACH OR THE STAGE It’s been a while since I’ve made a list of my favorite beauty products, and Summer Solstice is gonna be here in a couple of days....
Thursday, June 13, 2013 belly dance bellydance Frank Farinaro Fusion Hip Mix Istanbul Oriental Dance Princess Farhana Rakkas Istanbul raks sharqi Steven Eggers Strike A Pose DVD Tribal Fest 13 Tribal Fusion THE GLOBAL BELLY DANCE COMMUNITY...FOR REAL The year is half over, and so far I have spent all of 2013 on the road…which is why there hasn’t been a recent blog post! Traveli...